Industrial Photos

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 · Posted in ,

I am going to preface this post by saying there is a "bad" word showing on one of the photos.  It is unfortunate because I really like the texture and color of the photo and I didn't even notice the graffiti when I was taking the photo.  What I find equally funny is even when I downloaded the photo I couldn't see it, it wasn't until I corrected the exposure in Lightroom that it popped out.

I think sometimes industrial type of buildings and equipment can really be interesting subjects.  I found a couple of these photos a little boring until I edited them but I am kind of happy with the results.  I am still really just learning when it comes to editing so they are still far from perfect.

One Response to “Industrial Photos”

  1. I really love that top photo. You have a real talent!!


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