In Flight

Saturday, January 22, 2011 · Posted in

There is a place just outside of town where you are almost guaranteed to find bald eagles in the winter.  Photographing them isn't easy because they are on private property so you can't just hike in and they like to hang out just far enough into the field that with my simple equipment I am not able to get truly good photos. 

The one eagle flew directly over my head but when I looked at the shots I had taken in my camera I was disappointed because it didn't look like I had gotten any decent shots despite how close he was.  Given that I was quite happy with the way the photo turned out once I edited it.  It isn't as sharp as I would like but given my limited skills and equipment I love this shot. 

The second shot was a surprise as well, it also looked like nothing when I reviewed it in my camera.  But I actually like how the fog creates negative space and how the barn is so bright.  I also think it is great that without trying I happened to get two bald eagles sitting on the fence in the bottom of the frame. 

Two lucky shots of an elusive subject.

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