Magnolia Blossoms

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 · Posted in , ,

It seems like I have been waiting so long for the spring blossoms.  I would say we are about three weeks behind the usual time for our trees to bloom but finally it is starting.  I love the magnolia blossoms in particular, they don't last long but they are so insanely beautiful and there are so many of them around.  So this last weekend I went out and shot a few close ups of a couple different kinds of magnolia blossoms.  Here are a few of my favorites.

The fourth, fifth and last shot were all taken with my new Lensbaby muse lens.

3 Responses to “Magnolia Blossoms”

  1. Gorgeous! Visiting from SS today. How do you like your lensbaby?

  2. Hi Jen, I really like the Lensbaby. The focusing does take some practice but I really like the effect it creates.


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