Archive for June 2011

Texture Tuesday "Golden Edition"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 · Posted in , ,

Here is my choice for this week's Texture Tuesday over at Kim Klassen's cafe.  I didn't actually do a lot to this photo.  I simply added Kim's Golden texture as per this weeks rules and in Elements I changed the blending mode to linear burn and adjusted the opacity to 86%.  It may be almost too strong but lately I have been drawn to adding heavier textures to my photos to make them look dramatic and not really realistic, I like how it almost makes the photo look like a painting. 

Small Creatures

Friday, June 24, 2011 · Posted in , ,

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT!!  Thank you all for your lovely comments on my blog and my photos, I just take photos for relaxation and stress release but it makes it so much more fun when you can share those photos.  The winner of the Shutter Sisters book giveaway is Kathy!

Last weekend as I was out wandering through the bushes looking for flowers I almost stepped on this little guy because he was sitting right in the middle of the path.  I was interested to see what kind of photos I could get of him with my new macro lens.  It was rather difficult as it had rained all the night before and the mosquitoes were all over me but I managed to get a few shots. 

Texture Tuesday "People Edition"

Monday, June 20, 2011 · Posted in , , ,

This week's challenge over at Kim Klassen's Cafe is to include one of her textures in a photo using a person. Well I still have a number of photos left to edit from my niece's graduation so I thought one of them would be perfect for this challenge. So here is the photo I chose.

Her late grandfather worked on the railway and they were very close so it was important for her to get pictures that included the railway.
I edited this photo in Photoshop Elements 9. Firstly I did a crop on the photo then I added Kim's Paper Stained Grunge texture and set the blending mode to multiply at 61%. I then used the erasure to take away most of the texture from her skin, I had the blending mode on the erasure set to 61%. I think the finished photo shows has the old photo feel I was looking for in the shot.


My Very First Giveaway

Sunday, June 19, 2011 · Posted in ,

Since yesterday was the six month anniversary of my very first blog post I have decided to it was time for a little giveaway.  When I started this blog I didn't even really know what it was going to be about, mostly it was just my ramblings, then I started adding the odd photo to my ramblings and realized that I liked posting and talking about photos and well, the rest is history.  Through blogging I have met some amazing people who have since become friends and I have been so inspired by the work I see on other people's blogs.  I am also amazed by the kindness and support of the people who spend time reading photography and art blogs, I have never had anything close to a negative comment on any of my posts.  I am very apprecitive of the online community of which I have become a part.

But anyway, enough rambling...on to the giveaway.  It is a copy of the fantastic book "Expressive Photography" by the Shutter Sisters

Expressive Photography: The Shutter Sisters' Guide to Shooting from the Heart

I have been so inspired by the work over at Shutter Sisters and this book is a great resource.  I will be making the draw on Friday so you have until midnight Thursday night to enter.  To enter all you have to do is comment below.  You don't have to be a follower of my blog to enter but anyone who coments and is a follower will have their name entered twice!

I also want to say thanks to the people who come here a regularly look and comment on my little blog I do appreciate you. 

The Best Laid Plans

· Posted in ,

I had it all planned.  I was going to announce a giveway last week to celebrate the six month anniversary of my little blog and the draw was supposed to be yesterday which was the actual anniversary date.  However, my computer decided not to comply with me and I was so fed up with it that I packed up the tower took it to Future Shop and bought a new computer and had them transfer over all my files.  So I was without a computer for almost a week which just about killed me but I did pull through and now I am sitting here typing away on my new computer which I have to say is a dream.  After doing some photo editing on this computer I don't know how I even functioned with the old one.  So anyway I will be doing my giveway this week.  I will announce the details tomorrow and do the draw on Friday.

And now on to some actual photos after a few days delay.  Yesterday morning I grabbed my camera and just went for a drive to see what I could find.  It was actually a very successful picture taking day.  I love my new macro lens, it is great for getting detailed shots of one of my favorite (I know some of you probably thought railway lines and those are a favorite as well).



Texture Tuesday "Heavy Edit"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 · Posted in , , ,

This is my entry for this week's edition of Texture Tuesday over at Kim Klassen's Cafe.

Not everyone will like the edit I did on this photo as it is very heavily edited.  I have been playing around with trying to create digital art and I happened to create this effect by accident.  This photo was taken in the conservatory of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. 

Using Photoshop Elements 9 I first did a levels adjustment and then I ran Nero Nelly's Vespa Action on the photo.   I then added Kim's newest texture Mayzee to the photo.  I originally set it on the soft light blending mode and was going to adjust the opacity but I had forgotten to click on opacity so it started moving between the blending modes and when it hit the difference blending mode I thought to myself "hey, I like that".  I think it has a special effects feel to it so I adjusted the opacity slightly to 97% and left it there.  What do you think, is it cool or is it a little too much?

For reference here is the original photo so you can see how different they are. 

Waiting for Film

Saturday, June 11, 2011 · Posted in ,

A couple months ago I bought myself a Holga camera.  For anyone who doesn't know what that is they are toy cameras very cheaply manufactured out of China.  They are notorious for taking horrible pictures with lots of vignetting and light streaks but they have actually developed almost a cult following.  Even Flickr and Facebook have groups dedicated to Holga photography.  So I decided to give one a try. 

I bought it off ebay and it was just over $20 and shipping was free.   It came wrapped up so nicely with a ribbon.  I had no idea what to expect, everything is manual and the film doesn't even tell you how far to forward it when you are winding in, I had to count 32 clicks between each photo.

So a couple weeks ago I took in my first role of film.  I didn't take a lot of care when shooting the photos because I had absolutely no idea what to expect.  I didn't think most of them would even work out.  But I have to say I am actually happy with the results and excited to get out and shoot some more.  And after many years of digital photography there was something kind of fun about not getting to immediately see my photos and having to wait for them to be developed.

So here for your viewing pleasure are some of the first shots out of my Holga.  Nothing exciting but still kind of fun.

The vignette's on these last ones were not done on purpose.  I think they happened because I was a lot quicker with the shutter (you control how long it stays open by holding it).  It was a bright day and I was afraid of over exposure. 

Feeling Blue

Friday, June 3, 2011 · Posted in ,

I know my blog has been a little flower heavy the last few weeks but I just can't help it.  I think it is a combination of the time of year, seeing all the amazing colors after a long, cold winter, my love of flowers in general and my new macro lens which helps me get the close-up photos I want.  So I do have to warn my readers that I have a lot of flower photos I still wish to share. 

I do plan to get out there this weekend though and take some landscape shots so hopefully next week we can have a bit more variety.  In the meantime I hope you enjoy these little blue beauties, I know I did.

Before and After Blog Hop

Thursday, June 2, 2011 · Posted in ,

The photo I prepared for this week's Pixel Perfect "Blog Hop" is from the graduation photo shoot I did with my niece a couple weeks ago.  As I said in a blog post earlier this week this was the first portrait session I have done because they intimidate me so much.

I do have to say though I really like the way this one turned out.

Here is the before:

And here is the after:

I edited this photo using Photoshop Elements 9 and the Pioneer Woman's Vintage action.  It was shot at
45 mm, ISO 200, F5.6. 

On the Down Low

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 · Posted in ,

The other morning my husband came around the corner to find me laying on the back patio.  At first he thought I had fallen (I am quite clumsy, it isn't impossible for that to happen) but in fact I was laying there because a small weed growing up next to a rock caught my eye.  Probably it caught my eye because one of the small petunia blossoms off my planter had blown off in the night and was laying next to it.  Even though it was just a rock and a week somehow it seemed like a pretty little vignette to me and I ran off to get my camera to capture it and the little thistle growing up beside it as well. 

I think it is every photographer's goal, to catch the beauty in the small things we encounter around us and to me this said "pretty".

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